HOw YOU can Be involved in the zoning process
It is important for the public to communicate with County officials and staff your opinions about rezonings, particularly if you are living within 1,000 feet of the proposed site and received a letter from the developer's lawyer. Regardless, everyone impacted should send emails and attend the zoning meetings. Before each case, a show of hands is taken for those in opposition and those in favor of each case. Visit Cobb County Zoning Division website for meeting agendas including zoning applications, agendas, and dates with their corresponding numbers (Z#). Click here: Zoning and Variance Cases | Cobb County Georgia
Public Hearings: Final decisions are made by the Board of Commissioners, after the Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners. Each holds a monthly hearing (except in January).
• Planning Commission – first Tuesday of each month
• Board of Commissioners – third Tuesday of each month
All hearings begin at 9am on the second floor of 100 Cherokee St, Marietta. Cases can be heard at any time during the hearing. Written Comments are important! Send emails to both the Planning Commission and the Board of Commissioners by noon on the Wednesday before the hearing. You can also sign up to speak at the hearings. The public has 10 minutes TOTAL for each case.
Planning Commission members: Michael Hughes, Fred Beloin, Deborah Dance, Stephen Vault and David Anderson. Copy and paste email addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
Board of Commissioners: Lisa Cupid, Keli Gambrill, Joann Birrell, Monique Sheffield and Jerica Richardson. Copy and paste email addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
Put the case number (Z-##) in the subject line, along with the name of the applicant (for example: ABC Development Company, LLC). It is best if you use your own words to describe who you are and why you think the application should be approved or denied. Always copy these county staff members [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
If you'd like, copy the BFCA so we are aware of your email as well: [email protected]
Public Hearings: Final decisions are made by the Board of Commissioners, after the Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners. Each holds a monthly hearing (except in January).
• Planning Commission – first Tuesday of each month
• Board of Commissioners – third Tuesday of each month
All hearings begin at 9am on the second floor of 100 Cherokee St, Marietta. Cases can be heard at any time during the hearing. Written Comments are important! Send emails to both the Planning Commission and the Board of Commissioners by noon on the Wednesday before the hearing. You can also sign up to speak at the hearings. The public has 10 minutes TOTAL for each case.
Planning Commission members: Michael Hughes, Fred Beloin, Deborah Dance, Stephen Vault and David Anderson. Copy and paste email addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
Board of Commissioners: Lisa Cupid, Keli Gambrill, Joann Birrell, Monique Sheffield and Jerica Richardson. Copy and paste email addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
Put the case number (Z-##) in the subject line, along with the name of the applicant (for example: ABC Development Company, LLC). It is best if you use your own words to describe who you are and why you think the application should be approved or denied. Always copy these county staff members [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
If you'd like, copy the BFCA so we are aware of your email as well: [email protected]