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How You can get involved in your community!
It is critical for you as homeowners and residents of Cobb County to make your voices heard. Zoning affects YOU -- your quality of life and property values. The BFCA encourages smart development in our communities, and strives for well planned, carefully considered growth that involves residents. We want people to be proud of their communities and want to continue to live here.To see how you can get involved in the community development process via rezoning, please visit the tab at left, Public Participation in Zoning.
As Cobb County continues to grow and develop, issues impacting the well-being of area residents are constantly surfacing; issues such as traffic speed and congestion, zoning and development, environmental quality, preservation of open space, crime control and prevention, and neighborhood enhancements. The BFCA is an all-volunteer organization from the Bells Ferry corridor. We work with local legislators, environmental groups, law enforcement officials, residents and neighborhood associations within our area to address these issues head-on as they arise. Individuals are encouraged to actively participate in their communities and the decisions affecting them.